To Become a member of the B.60 loyalty program is easy!

Sign up in your personal account on the official site of the hotel and book rooms. 

Members of the loyalty program receive benefits corresponding to the status of card. Benefits will be available for your next stay.   

What you get?

• Bonus points - 1% of the amount of accommodation for direct booking from the website www.b60hotel.ru and www.b60.4ehotels.com

The status is granted from the first stay after registration in the program.

What you get?

• Bonus points - 5% of the amount of accommodation for direct booking from the website www.b60hotel.ru and www.b60.4ehotels.com
•A one-time 10% discount in a restaurant and room service. 

The status is granted after 10 nights stay after registration in the program. 

What you get?

• Bonus points - 7% of the amount of accommodation for direct booking from the website www.b60hotel.ru and www.b60.4ehotels.com
• Welcome complement upon arrival. 
• 5% discount in a restaurant and room service.
• Early check-in from 09:00 am or late check-out until 03:00 (subject to availability).

The status is granted after 30 nights stay after registration in the program.  

What you get?

•Bonus points - 7% of the amount of accommodation for direct booking from the website www.b60hotel.ru and www.b60.4ehotels.com
• Welcome complement upon arrival.
• 10% discount in a restaurant and room service.
• Early check-in from 09:00 am or late check-out until 03:00 (subject to availability).
• Room upgrade (subject to availability).

The status is granted after 50 nights stay after registration in the program. 
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Join our loyalty program and get discounts and privileges